Year of birth: 12th February 1910
Political organisation: CP '35 & IRC '35
Occupation: Ship's cook/Labourer
Date of arrival: 15th December 1937
Date of departure: 7th February 1939
Date of death: 22nd January 2009 - London
Comments: Address given as; Miss P Doyle, 26, North Great Georges Street, Dublin. Sailed between Britain and Spain before joining the IBs on his third attempt. Spoke Spanish so led a group of 16 volunteers from England as far as Paris before they were arrested for singing revolutionary songs. He avoided arrest and escaped to Spain. Served in NO.4 Co, BB, 15th IB. Captured at Calaceite by Italians on 31 March 1938 together with Frank Ryan. POW at San Pedro de Cardeña. Released April 1939. Settled in London and worked in the print trade. In October 1993 he starred in the BBC2 Video Diaries documentary 'Rebel Without a Pause', which showed him travelling to Spain to campaign for a memorial at the unmarked mass grave containing the International Brigade dead of the Battle of Jarama.
Source: IBA Box D-7 Files A/1 & A/6, RGASPI 545/6/91/142 & 545/6/98/4 & 545/6/99/22, 29-30 & 545/6/137-138.
Obituary: The Guardian, 16 February 2009.
Dundee Evening Telegraph - 6 February 1939 P5
"Brigadista — An Irishman’s Fight Against Fascism" by Bob Doyle