The International Brigade Memorial Trust keeps alive the memory and spirit of the 2,500 men and women from Britain and Ireland who volunteered to defend democracy and fight fascism in Spain during the Spanish Civil War of 1936-39. We also remember those who supported the volunteers and the cause of the Spanish Republic at home.
We bring together families, friends and admirers of the International Brigades, along with historians, labour movement activists and all others who share an interest in the exceptional story of the International Brigades.
The IBMT organises and supports educational, cultural and commemorative events around the country, including three annual events: the Len Crome memorial lecture / conference in March, the London commemoration in July and the Trust's Annual General Meeting in October. We assist students, academics and others researching the International Brigades and the Spanish Civil War and promote the preservation of archives about the volunteers. Through the IBMT magazine, our website and new media platforms we keep members and the wider public informed about developments concerning the memory and legacy of the International Brigades.
We also ensure that the more than 100 memorials in the British Isles to the volunteers – 526 of whom were killed in Spain – are maintained in good order and, where appropriate, new ones are erected.
The IBMT was founded in 2001 when members of the veterans’ organisation, the International Brigade Association, and members of the Friends of the International Brigades decided to merge to form a single organisation.
We are a registered charity and rely on membership subscriptions and donations to finance our activities.
Copies of our constitution, election standing orders, equal opportunities policy and privacy policy can be downloaded here:
We encourage local International Brigade commemorative groups to affiliate to us. Here are our guidelines on local groups:
Pauline Fraser, one of the founding members of Friends of the International Brigades, has written a complete history of that organisation which laid the foundations for the IBMT:
A list of current members of our Executive Committee is below. A list of all committee members and Trustees from 2001 to the present can be downloaded here:
Executive Committee members since 2001
Current IBMT Executive Committee 2022/23
Mike Arnott (Scotland Secretary)
David Chanter / John Haywood (jobshare)
Paul Coles (Treasurer)
Megan Dobney (Secretary)
Alex Gordon
Jonathan Havard
Jim Jump (Chair)
Alan Lloyd
Dolores Long
David McKnight (Wales Secretary)
Luke O'Riordan / Lynda Walker (jobshare for Ireland Secretary)
Marlene Sidaway (President)
Lynda Walker
For general inquiries contact the IBMT Executive Officer Helen Oclee-Brown: