Spain, July 1936: from uprising to civil war Rebel officers captured during the uprising In July 1936 a military rising was launched in Spain by a group of military generals aiming to overthrow the Republican government, elected only five months previously. Though initially successful in many parts of Spain, opponents of the rising- working people, […]
The 'British' volunteers Bill Alexander, an experienced communist activist who went on to be a political commissar, commander of the British Battalion in Spain, author of British Volunteers for Liberty and Secretary of the International Brigade Association. Between 1936 and 1939 over 35,000 men and women, from over 50 countries, left their homes to volunteer […]
Why to Spain? Sam Wild, leader of the British Battalion during 1938 For the supporters of the Spanish Republic the war was seen within the wider context of the struggle of democracy against international fascism, which had been taking place across Europe from Germany to London’s east end. The views expressed by Sam Wild, leader […]