Place of birth: [London]Derry, Ireland
Year of birth: 8th December 1917
Political organisation: CP
Date of arrival: 7th January 1937
Date of departure: 9th September 1937
Date of death: 12th December 1949 - Glasgow Patrick, Scotland
Comments: Address given as; 15, Naburn Street, Glasgow. Family moved to Scotland when he was a child . Fought at Jarama, wounded at Brunete. Repatriated in September 1937 because he was underage.
Later served in the Royal Navy and Merchant Navy.
Source: IBA Box 39/A/29. IBA Box D-7 File A/2. RGASPI 545/6/40/110 & 545/6/91/47.
"When the Gorbals fought Franco - The Story of JJ Lynch" by Mark J. Gillespie.