Year of birth: 21st October 1913
Occupation: Electricians Mate
Date of arrival: 2nd August 1937
Date of departure: 3rd February 1939
Comments: Address given as; Parents, 1, Berks Avenue, Moorpark, Renfrewshire. Detained 15 October 1937 trying to cross into France. Arrested in Valencia on 25 March 1938 and transferred to Albacete on 1 April 1938. In the Casa Prevention Casteldefels. (IBA Box 21a File A). Released after imprisonment by the Republicans as an undesirable. 'Has extremely bad criminal record in England, and has been useless at Tarazona. Declares he only came to Spain to have a good time. In England was sentenced for razor slashing.' 'Lumpen, deserter, criminal.' Deserted four times. Slightly wounded Aragon.
Source: Box D-7 File A/2, & A/1. RGASPI 545/3/451/156 & 545/6/35/65 & 545/6/89/25 & 545/6/91/120 & 545/6/93/3 & 545/6/133/35-40