Other name:
Place of birth: Manchester, Lancs.
Year of birth: 24th October 1910
Political organisation: CP '33
Occupation: Machinist
Date of arrival: 10th December 1936
Brigade ID: Not issued.
Date of departure: 7th December 1938
Date of death: 1956 - Manchester???
Where killed:
Comments: Address given as; Mother, 15, Mary Ellen Street, Manchester. Member of No. 1 Company, 14th IB and BB, the 15th IB Estado Mayor as a corporal and runner. Served at Cordoba, Las Rosas, Madrid, Jarama (where he was wounded), Brunete (wounded for a second time), Teruel, Aragon & Ebro. "Good communist." "V quiet and reliable". 'Longest serving volunteer in Spain' according to Sid Quinn Brother of Alexander Barker.
Source: IBA Box D-7 File A/1 & NA FO371/22654 RGASPI 545/3/456/70 & 545/6/89/47 & 545/6/90/2 & 545/6/94/11 & 545/6/103/79-89 & 545/6/861/36 .
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