Place of birth: Walsall, Staffordshire, England
Year of birth: 30th January 1901
Political organisation: CP '24 & TGWU & NUWM
Occupation: Building Trades Labourer - later a postman.
Date of arrival: 6th January 1937
Date of departure: December 1938
Date of death: 14th March 1973 - Horley, Surrey, England
Comments: Address given as; 31, Hazelwick Road, Three Bridges, Crawley. Sergeant. Battalion cook and political delegate in kitchen. 'Always giving his best for betterment of the battalion.' 'Has always been associated with the English kitchen from its inception. He was always painstaking in all his work for benefit of the battn. It was mainly under his guidance that the kitchen developed into the sound organisation that was the envy and example to all battalions.' George Fletcher & Jim Bourne,
1939 living in Sandcross Lane, Reigate, London.
Source: IBA Box D-7 File A/2, Box D-7 File A/1, RGASPI 545/6/39/89 & 545/6/40/113 & 545/6/91/71 & 545/6/182/9-26. & NA FO371.