Patrik Helgeson, from our sister orgaisation in Sweden, the Friends of the Swedish Volunteers for Spain, has sent us links to two interesting collections of images.
The first comes from the family of the German International Brigader Gustav Martens, who lived in Sweden after the war. The photos, including many of the Thälmann Battalion in Spain, can be seen here:
The second collection is found in Patrik’s own online report of his visit to London in July, when, among other things he layed a wreath at the International Brigade memorial on the South Bank during the IBMT's annula commemoration. The photos accopmpany the Swedish text of his report from Britain. See:
Patrik also reports that the Friends of the Swedish Volunteers for Spain is organising a meeting at the Socialist Forum in Stockholm on 28 November. Present will be the playwright Astrid Menasanch Tobieson (who was pictured in the 3-2015 issue of the IBMT Newsletter), who has recently premiered in Stockholm her new play about the economic crisis and repressive laws in Spain. It received a favourable critical reception. An actress from the play will read a monologue and afterwards another playwright, America Vera-Zavala, will lead a talk with Astrid.