Here is the timetable of events for the IBMT's Annual General Meeting weekend in Aberdeen on 16-18 October.
Friday 16 October
7.30pm: Civic reception for IBMT members with the Lord Provost in the Town House (see address above).
Saturday 17 October
9.30am-10.30am: Unveiling of a plaque to Brigader Bob Cooney at Bob Cooney Court, AB25 3SP.
11am-12.30pm: Unveiling of a plaque to Brigader John Londragan outside the Aberdeen Trades Union Council office in Adelphi Lane, AB11 5BL; followed by a visit to the ATUC office to see the International Brigade Memorial Library and the original Spanish Republican flag used as a shroud for Aberdonian International Brigaders Archie Dewar and Tom Davidson.
2.30pm-5pm: IBMT Annual General Meeting in the St Nicholas Room at the Town House.
7.30pm-11pm: Social evening of film, music and poetry in the Staff/Councillors’ Dining Room at the Town House.
Sunday 18 October
10.30am-12pm: Prayers and the blessing of International Brigade and union flags and banners, plus secular talks on past and present anti-fascist struggles by Councillor Neil Cooney and Tommy Campbell (Unite the Union) at the Kirk of St Nicholas, Back Wynd, AB10 1JZ.
12pm-1.30pm: ATUC and IBMT march to Castlegate with flags and banners led by Grampian District Pipes and Drums, followed by closing speeches and light refreshments at the Town House.