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Negative comments
The records include assessments of the volunteers made by their political superiors in the latter part of the war in Spain. Many are highly derogatory, referring to desertion, drunkenness and indiscipline, but should be taken with a pinch of salt, sometimes a very large amount. They were written for internal use, primarily as an assessment of suitability for future membership of the Communist Party at home and were often made by a party representative who may have had a grudge against certain individuals or may simply have been wrong. Many volunteers with outstanding military records in Spain – including senior ranking officers – received extremely critical assessments.
Robert 'Bob' Cooney
Other name:  Hunt
Place of birth: Sunderland, Durham, England
Year of birth: 19th November 1907
Political organisation: CP ' 28 & LP & SAU '30
Occupation: Office worker
Date of arrival: 2nd October 1937
Brigade ID: 1328
Date of departure: 7th December 1938
Date of death: August 1984 - Newmachar, Aberdeen, Scotland
Where killed:
Comments: Address given as; Friend, Lennox, c/o 13, Stafford Street, Aberdeen. also Southside Cottages, Wartle, Ayrshire. Didn't actually join the British Battalion as a soldier until January or February 1938. 'Es el mejor comisario que tenemos, tiene iniciativa y puede trabajar independientement, reacciona pronto a problemas, trabajo entre espanolas es debil. Sin reprocha' (John Gates). Also very positive assessment with Cooney in group c) signed by, Donaldson, Bourne, Yates and G Fletcher dated 23.10.38. 'Very brave – high political development. Best Bn. Commissar in Brigade. (Work among Spanish very weak in Bn). Very party conscience.' (Unsigned, probably by Bill Rust).
Source: IBA Box D-7 File A/1, RGASPI 545/6/91/130 & 545/6/118/17-38. NA FO371/22654. "Proud Journey by Bob Cooney - a Spanish Civil War Memoir".
William Cooney
Other name: 
Place of birth: Manchester, Lancashire, England
Year of birth: 2nd September 1912
Political organisation: LP '31 & TGWU
Occupation: Chauffeur/Driver
Date of arrival: 23rd January 1938
Brigade ID: 1600
Date of departure: 14th August 1938
Date of death: Jan 1976 - Blackpool and Fylde, Lancashire, England
Where killed:
Comments: Family address at; Parents, 86, Cooper Street, Clayton, Manchester.(Still residing here in 1939). RASC 6yrs. "Good comrade". Repatriated.
Source: IBA Box D-7 File A/1, RGASPI 545/6/91/149 & 656/6/97/7,25 & 545/6/118/39.
James Cooney
Other name: 
Place of birth: ???
Year of birth: 3rd June 1905
Political organisation: NAFTA (No 2 London City)
Occupation: Cabinet maker/Carpenter
Date of arrival: 29th April 1937
Brigade ID: 975
Date of departure: 1st December 1938
Date of death: ???
Where killed:
Comments: Address given as; Mrs Moore, "Engine & Tender", Midland Road, Bedford. 1939 living in 93-95, Midland Road.Bedford. 'Ignorant of politics...cowardly...never at front in 18 months...liability to the Spanish Republic...hopeless element.' Arrested aboard the SS Essex Lance whilst attempting to desert 31st May 1938.
Source: IBA Box D-7 File A/2 & Box D-7 File A/1. NA FO371/22654, RGASPI 545/6/91/106 & 545/6/96/7 & 545/6/118/12-14,
Harry Dobson
Other name: 
Place of birth: Tonypandy, Wales
Year of birth: 9th August 1907
Political organisation: CP '29 & SWMF
Occupation: Miner
Date of arrival: 2nd June 1937
Brigade ID: 1131
Date of departure:
Date of death: 3rd August 1938
Where killed: Died in Falset hospital of wounds sustained at Hill 481, Gandesa
Comments: Address given as; Friend, Mrs Roberts, 75, Maddox Street, Blenchlydach, Rhonnda. Brigade Staff. Survivor of the torpedoing of the City of Barcelona. CP representative within the battalion with Billy Griffiths. With Brigade Commisariat before volunteering to return for the Ebro offensive. 'Very brave- Reliable- sincere. High political development. Over modest. -Not a strong leader. Too reserved and quiet. Well liked.' Report, probably by Bill Rust. A description of his death appears in Billy Griffiths' memoirs, pp.31-32. Alun Williams also describes his death, though both accounts conflict with Winifred Bates letters which place his death in the cave hospital. This is confirmed by a visiting former MP, Leah Manning, who described the fourteeen hours she stayed with Harry until his death. "He was wounded on July 28th 1938 in hill 481, east of Gandesa, and he was evacuated to the left bank of the Ebro river; he died on August 3rd in the cave hospital of La Bisbal de Falset."
Source: IBA Box 21 File A & Box D-7 File A/1, RGASPI 545/6/40/105 & 545/6/91/115 & 545/6/125/2-12. Referred to as 'Doxen' in interview with Bob Cooney in C&R p. 115. ‘At the Margins of Mayhem’ by Angela Jackson p110 .
Patrick Glacken
Other name: 
Place of birth: Moville, Co Donegal, Ireland
Year of birth: 24th September 1913
Political organisation: LP '33
Occupation: Labourer
Date of arrival: 2nd October 1937
Brigade ID: 1329
Date of departure:
Date of death: 21st January 1938
Where killed: Teruel
Comments: Address given as; Mother, 40, Holmscroft Street, Greenock, Glasgow. 'Good understanding but moody. Given to depression.' The second of the two deserters (the other was A. Kemp) who carried plans of the Brigades positions. 'P. Glacken was arrested on 8/1/38, sentenced to execution for this crime. The sentence was commuted & he was killed in action on 20/1/38' Glacken wished to go home - but he had no valid reason for it other than he did not like enduring hardship.' Hand-written note by Walter Tapsell 26 February 1938, Kemp was shot by a firing squad according to Bob Cooney.
Source: IBA Box 21 File A, RGASPI 545/2/127/21 & 545/6/91/130 & 545/6/140/1-6. & C&R pp.121-122. Port-Glasgow Express - 9 February 1938 p2. "Scots and the Spanish Civil War" by Fraser Raeburn p100-102.
Donald Morris AKA Kemp
Other name:  Buchanan
Place of birth: Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland
Year of birth: 25th November 1908
Political organisation:
Occupation: Marine engineer
Date of arrival: 24th August 1937
Brigade ID: Not issued
Date of departure:
Date of death: 8th or 10th January 1938
Where killed: Barcelona???
Comments: Did a prison term in both 1935 and 1936 for deserting his wife and two children. Address given as; 16, Bouverie Terrace, Port Glasgow. Used the name Alan Kemp in Spain. Sergeant in No 1 Company, No 2 Grp, No 2 Machine-Gun Company. Bob Cooney claims Kemp was shot as one of the two Brigaders who deserted carrying plans of the IB lines, (C&R pp.121-122) The other deserter was Patrick Glacken who was killed by shellfire. 'Killed on Ebro front on 12 November 1937' according to IBA Box 21a File h' Despite efforts to suggest he was killed in battle on 20/1/38 there are still files which make it clear that he was shot "fusilado" for treason on the 8th or 10th January 1938, following a cout martial.. The various references are listed below.
Source: IBA Box 21a File A & Box D-7 File A/1. RGASPI 545/2/127/21, 23 & 545/3/3/103-104 & 545/3/457/113 & 545/6/35/92 & 545/6/51/91 & 545/6/158/48-49. Additional information from grandson to IBMT (11 July 2021). Port-Glasgow Express - 7 June 1935 p2. Port-Glasgow Express - 30 September 1936 p2. Port-Glasgow Express - 11 February 1938 p2.
Alexander Marcowich
Other name: 
Place of birth: Gorbals, Glasgow, Scotland
Year of birth: 3rd May 1914
Political organisation: CP '33 & YCL '29 & TGU
Occupation: Tailors' Cutter
Date of arrival: 2nd October 1937
Brigade ID: 1348
Date of departure: 14th February 1939
Date of death: 4th January 1984 • Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland
Where killed:
Comments: Address given as; 415, Eglington Street, Glasgow. Enlisted into the IB at Tarazona on 2/10/1937 along with Bob Cooney. Was described as one a future leader, and made a big impression with the CP. Although he had been recently re- admitted in to the party again after anti-Soviet comments and raising the case against Stalin's anti-Semitism. Trained as a rifleman and machine-gun feeder. Arrested and sent to correction camp for criticising the brigade leaders, released in May 1938 after imprisonment by the Republicans as an undesirable. Member of No 1 Company in June '38. Sent to Disciplinary Company 26/6/1938 until 6/7/1938 returned to British batt by Brigade orders. After 36 hours arrested again and sent under Guard to Brigade Jail. On August 17 1938 declared by the commissariat to be 'a provocateur, a Trotskyist, and a generally pessimistic element.' Expelled from the CPGB and the YCL. held for six weeks in Casteldefels. Note by AM: 'I have spent 7 weeks in Disciplinary company and now have spent 20 days in jail'. A.Marcovitch. 3/9/1938. Marcovitch was rel/Rept from Prison 14/2/1939 'Provocador, desorganizador, trotskista. Elemento pesimo.' Assessment: 'Very bad. Disrupter. Trotskyist. Dangerous.' Repatriated. He was always aggrieved at his treatment, having never been formally charged with any offence. He was not slow in complaining about the treament of his fellow infantry or the conduct of the leadership, and this almost certainly fed into the paranoia of the time with regards to trotskyists etc, leading to unpleasant/unreasonable repurcussions. Apart from prison this also meant a spell in a "corrective" battalion which he was fortunate to survive. After his release he was then held at the Argelers internment camp in France and teamed up with 8 other Brigaders, where he was rescued by a British Consul official who got him out, and homeward bound. WW2 served in the RASC.
Source: IBA Box D-7 File A/1, RGASPI 545/3/451/127 & 545/6/91/131 & 545/6/97/21,22 & 545/6/99/11 & 545/6/168/5-15 & 545/6/537/29 & 545/947/51-53,55. NA FO371/24122/114.

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Robert 'Bob' Cooney

William Cooney

James Cooney

Harry Dobson

Patrick Glacken

Donald Morris AKA Kemp

Alexander Marcowich

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