18 September ONLINE – The ALBA Film Series considers ‘Spirit of the Beehive’, (1973, Victor Erice), widely regarded as the greatest Spanish film of the 1970s. Set in the wake of the country's devastating civil war, the film explores the oppressive atmosphere of the Franco dictatorship in a small Castilian village, as seen through the eyes of two young girls. Organised by the US-based Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives. 10pm-11.15pm. Registration essential via Eventbrite.
21 September GLASGOW – The annual Glasgow International Brigade commemoration will be at the Pasionaria Memorial, Custom House Quay, at 10.30am. For more information, contact Rab O'Donnell of Hope not Hate Glasgow
27-29 September BERLIN – International annual meeting of the KFSR (Kämpfer und Freunde der Spanischen Republik), the IBMT’s sister organisation in Germany. This year’s conference will focus on the XIV International Brigade, in which the French volunteers in particular fought. More details to come; see KFSR webpage to check updates.
28 September KIRKCALDY – Fife Trades Union Council's annual event to commemorate Fife’s International Brigade volunteers; 11am at the memorial stone on Forth Avenue, Kirkcaldy KY2 5PR. Further details from Fife Trades Union Council.
5 October WESTON-SUPER-MARE – IBMT Annual General Meeting; details to follow. The AGM will be held Saturday afternoon as part of a weekend of social, commemorative and educational activities in Weston and Bristol from Friday evening to Sunday lunchtime. See the AGM notice for more information.
5 October–11 January SOUTHAMPTON – Exhibition by Sonia Boué and Ashokkumar D Mistry ‘Las Gemelas: Arrival (a lexicon of unmaking)’ inspired by the arrival of nearly 4,000 refugee children in Southampton on 23 May 1937 who were fleeing Hitler's bombs in the Spanish Basque region. John Hansard Gallery, 142-144 Above Bar Street, Southampton SO14 7DU.
11 October LONDON – Folk trio The Young’Uns present The Ballad of Johnny Longstaff, the true story of a Brigader's journey from unemployment, the Battle of Cable Street to the Spanish Civil War. The performance will start at 7.30pm at Kings Place, 90 York Way, London, N1 9AG. For more information and to book, go to the venue's website.
25 October LONDON – Book launch of 'Meeting Trouble Half Way', a graphic novel by Crispin Green, the grandson of Brigader George Green and volunteer Nan Green. Backstory, 71 Balham High Road, London, SW12 9AP; 6.30-8.30 pm; free admission.
27 October HARTLEPOOL – Commemoration for the Teesside International Brigaders: a day of talks, poetry, music, dance and film to remember the 30 local volunteers. Organised by the IBMT-affiliated North East Volunteers for Liberty. From 10am to 4pm at the Heugh Battery Museum, Moor Terrace, Hartlepool TS24 0PS. Free. More information from Tony Fox.
1 December ST ALBANS – Farewell concert by folk duo Na-Mara, who are giving up touring and gigging after 16 years. Na-Mara – Paul McNamara and Rob Garcia – have recorded and performed many songs about the International Brigades and the Basque refugee children in Britain and have appeared at the IBMT’s annual commemoration on London’s South Bank on multiple occasions. 7.30pm at St Saviour's Church Hall, 25 Sandpit Lane, St Albans AL14DE. £15 or £10 concessions; book here.