Place of birth: Dromore West, Sligo, Ireland
Year of birth: 8th January 1901
Date of arrival: 18th April 1937
Date of death: 4th May 1938
Comments: Address given as; Father, "Belleville", Drunmore West, Co Sligo, Ireland. Known as Ruth. Trained as a nurse at Glasgow Royal Infirmary and at the Maudsley Hospital in London. Killed when she jumped out of a seventh-floor window of the BMU flat in Barcelona to escape fire. The flat was run by Rose Davson. According to Winifred Bates, Davson was responsible as she had removed the door handle.
Source: IBA Box D-7 File A/2, RGASPI 545/6/40/113 & 545/6/89/36 & 545/6/91/102.
Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette - 14 May 1938 p7.