Issue 3-2023 of the IBMT digital magazine, ¡No Pasaran!, has gone out to all paid-up members by email. On the cover is Liam Turbett at the grave of Scottish International Brigader Robert Milton. Liam's book, Island Brigaders: Arran, Millport, and the fight against fascism in 1930s Spain, tells the story of three volunteers from isolated west coast islands and is described as ‘a wee 36-page gem’ by Mike Arnott in his captivating review.
Teesside features heavily in this issue, in Tony Fox's piece uncovering a Brigader's links to the area and, of course, in the build-up to this year's AGM in Stockton-on-Tees in October.
Other highlights include news of the annual commemoration at London's Jubilee Gardens, Dolores Long's description of the horrors of the Ebro and Daniel Palacios González's piece about local Spanish communities tending to mass Republican graves during the war and the dictatorship.
Print issues are available via the IBMT Shop.
Members receive three issues of the digital magazine a year. Keep up to date with your membership to ensure you get the latest digital issue as soon as it is published by renewing online.
Posted on 26 September 2023.