On 30 October local supporters and members of the IBMT held the annual commemoration in Newcastle upon Tyne for the ‘Volunteers for Liberty’ from the North East of England who gave their lives fighting fascism in Spain.
The event, organised by the Northern District of the Communist Party of Britain (CPB), took place at the memorial plaque in the grounds of Newcastle Civic Centre. The plaque, sponsored by Newcastle City Council, the IBMT and the trade unions GMB, RMT, Unite, North East Co-op and Jarrow Trades Council, was installed in November 2016. It bears the names of 35 Brigaders from the North East who died in Spain.
The ceremony began with an opening speech from Martin Levy, on behalf of the CPB District Committee. A statement in support of the commemoration from the Communist Party of Spain was also read.
Supporter Daniel Bunney then provided the names and brief biographies of the fallen Brigaders named on the plaque. There were also three readings of poems written by International Brigaders and a laying of a wreath – in Spanish Republican colours – before the memorial plaque.
In the course of the ceremony, a passer-by of Spanish heritage paused and gave a simple ‘gracias’ before passing on.
Posted on 9 November 2022.