The Executive Committee has agreed that the IBMT’s postponed 2020 Annual General Meeting will be held online at 11am on Saturday 20 March 2021. The main items on the agenda will be to approve the annual report and accounts and to elect members of the Executive Committee.
Nominations are therefore invited for candidates to fill four vacancies on the Executive Committee. Should five or more nominees accept nomination, a ballot will be held among members who attend the online AGM. The four vacancies arise because Alex Gordon, Jonathan Havard, John Haywood and Tosh McDonald will have completed their terms of office at the AGM. They must therefore step down and an election, in which they are permitted to stand, along with other IBMT members, will take place. The four elected members will serve until the 2023 AGM. All IBMT members may nominate fellow members to serve on the Executive Committee. Nominations must be made in writing and received by the Secretary by 8am on 6 March 2021. The names of candidates up for election are provided in the AGM agenda document below. Proposed items for agenda item ‘Any other business’ must be received in writing by the Secretary by 8am on 13 March 2021.Send nominations and proposed agenda items by email (these will be acknowledged) to: or by post to: IBMT Secretary, 37a Clerkenwell Green, London EC1R 0DU.
The AGM 2020 agenda (including list of EC candidates) is available to download here.
The Executive Committee report can be downloaded here.
The minutes for the 2019 AGM are available here.
Financial report and accounts 2019/20 here.
Members can register for the Annual General Meeting via Eventbrite here.
Posted on 12 January 2021; updated on 10 and 20 March 2021.