Notice of the 2018 Annual General Meeting

Post date: 27/08/2018

The IBMT’s AGM will take place on Saturday 13 October 2018 from 2pm to 4pm in The Guildhall, 39 Alfred Gelder Street, Hull HU1 2AG as part of a weekend of activities in the city (viewable at All members are warmly invited to attend and to participate in the AGM and associated events. 


AGM agenda


(1) Chair’s opening remarks

(2) Apologies for absence

(3) Approval of minutes of the 2017 AGM and matters arising

(4) Executive Committee’s report

(5) Financial report

(6) Proposed amendments to the IBMT constitution

(7) Election of Officers and Executive Committee members 

(8) Any other business

(9) Date and place of next AGM

(10) Chair’s closing remarks



Nominations and agenda items


– Nominations for Chair, Secretary and Treasurer and for up to 10 Executive Committee members must be made in writing and received by the Secretary (see below) by 8am on 29 September 2018. 


– Proposed items for agenda item (8) must be received in writing by the Secretary (see below) by 8am on 6 October 2018.


– Send nominations and proposed agenda items by email (these will be acknowledged) to: or by post to: IBMT Secretary, 37a Clerkenwell Green, London EC1R 0DU. 



Proposed amendments to the IBMT constitution (Agenda item (6))


The Executive Committee is proposing the following amendments to paragraphs F and G of the IBMT constitution.


The amendments aim to:

– introduce three-year terms of office for Executive Committee members;

– do away with separate elections for Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, who will in future be elected by the Executive Committee from among themselves;

– reduce the maximum size of the elected Executive Committee from 14 to 13 members;

– set out the transitional arrangements to implement the above changes over the next two years.


The Executive Committee hopes that three-year terms of office will provide greater stability for the Executive Committee and in doing so allow elected members to accumulate greater expertise and experience in carrying out their role as Trustees of the IBMT.


These are the proposed amendments:



Existing text

Proposed new text




(1) At the Annual General Meeting of the Charity the members shall elect from amongst themselves a Chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer, who shall hold office from the conclusion of that meeting.

(1) At the conclusion of an Annual General Meeting, members of the Executive Committee shall, beginning from 2019, elect from amongst themselves a Chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer, who shall each hold office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting.


(3) All Honorary Officer posts may be job shared.






(1) The Executive Committee shall consist of not less than five members nor more than 14 elected members. The Executive Committee shall be: 

(i) The Honorary Officers specified in the preceding clause;

(ii) Not less than two and no more than 10 members elected at the Annual General Meeting who shall hold office from the conclusion of that meeting. 

(1) The Executive Committee shall consist of not less than five nor more than 13 elected members. The Executive Committee shall be: 

(i) The President specified in the preceding clause;

(ii) Not less than four and no more than 12 elected members.


(3) All the members of the Executive Committee shall together retire from office at the end of the next Annual General Meeting after the date on which they came into office but they may be reelected or reappointed (excepting the President: see sub paragraph F(2)). 

(3) Members of the Executive Committee, excepting the President, shall be elected to serve a three-year term of office (excepting those covered by the provisions of sub paragraph G(4)) and shall retire at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting at the end of their three-year term of office but will be entitled to stand for re-election.  




(4) At the 2019 Annual General Meeting the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer plus two members of the Executive Committee shall retire and there will be an election for four Executive Committee members. At the Annual General Meeting in 2020, four additional members of the Executive Committee (excluding those elected in 2019) shall retire and there will be an election for four Executive Committee members. Executive Committee members other than the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer shall retire in 2019 and 2020 in order of the number of votes received in the election at the 2018 Annual General Meeting, with those with the fewest votes retiring first; where two or more Executive Committee members received the same number of votes, their order of retiring shall be determined by lot.




Posted on 27 August 2018.

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