News from Spain

Post date: 08/01/2016

Message from the AABI Madrid-based International Brigades friendship group:

Dear Friends, 

As we start a new year, we want to get in touch with you to let you know about our projects. First and foremost, we have to remember that this year 2016 marks the 80th anniversary of the formation of the International Brigades. The main events will take place in October, with the arrival of numerous friends and relatives, as well as – we hope – some veterans from the International Brigades who might be able to accompany us. 

For the nearest future, we have planned the 9th Jarama Memorial March on Saturday 20 February, and this year the march will be dedicated to the Dombrowski Battalion. As usual, we will welcome our friends from Ireland, the United Kingdom and many other countries, and we hope to see some relatives of the Polish volunteers who fought in this Battalion. We are attaching some information on the march and on the role played by the Dombrowskis in the Battle of Jarama See attached Dombrowski Jarama 16.pdf (in Spanish). 

Some weeks ago we announced that AABI would be taking part in the homage this coming April to the volunteers who fought in Andalusia. Although the programme is still to be fully confirmed, this is the schedule so far: 

– Friday 8 April: plaques to be unveiled and ceremonies to be held in Belalcazar, Valsequillo and La Granjuela, located north of Córdoba and where the XIII International Brigade and the 20th International Battalion fought (Battle of Pozoblanco and others) 

– Saturday 9 April: plaques to be unveiled and ceremonies to be held in Lopera and Andujar (Jaen). The XIV International Brigade fought in the Battle of Lopera (December 1936), and its battalions had arrived in Andujar train station the previous days.  Please check this link for information on the events organised by the Town Hall in Lopera, in cooperation with AABI, for the year 2016. 

These past days we have remembered the death of Guido Picelli (5 January 1937) in Mirabueno, Guadalajara. You can view this video which is a homage to this brave Italian antifascist and his comrades. 

Finally, we would like to remind you that on Tuesday 12 January, at 18:30, the documentary Heroes Invisibles will be screened at La Valdecilla Library. This documentary focuses on the African American volunteers who fought in the Lincoln Battalion.  The director, Alfonso Domingo, and Mirta Núnez, Chair of the Catedra de la Memoria del siglo XX at the Complutense University, will be at the screening. 

Salud y República

Asociación de los Amigos de las Brigadas Internacionales
8 Januray 2016

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