On Saturday 18 September there will be a sponsored walk through Brighton and Hove, highlighting the part local Brigaders played in the fight against fascism in Spain.
Starting from Hove Station at 11.15am the seven mile walk, led by IBMT Trustee Pauline Fraser, will wind its way through the city stopping at nine points of interest associated with the Basque refugee children or the International Brigaders. There will be a refreshment stop at 2pm and the walk should finish around 4.30pm. At each point we will gather to hear from memoirs, letters, or other sources, how local people helped the Spanish Republic in its hour of need and compare the reception of the Basque refugee children in 1937 with attitudes and actions towards refugees today. A third of the money raised will go towards Sussex Brigaders Remembered, a local IBMT affiliate that aims to get a memorial erected in Brighton to some 23 men, and possibly one woman, who volunteered from Sussex between 1936 and 1938. The other two thirds will go to the IBMT to help keep alive the memory and spirit of the Brigaders. To take part in the sponsored walk please contact Pauline by email at: p.fraser@international-brigades.org.uk and your name shall be added to the list and you will receive a full itinerary of the day. Walkers should encourage sponsors via their person-to-person contacts or through social media. If you would like to sponsor the walkers, please make a donation, either by PayPal here; or bank transfer to: International Brigade Memorial, Sort code 40-52-40, Account number 00013716; or by cheque to: IBMT, 37a Clerkenwell Green, London EC1R 0DU. In each case please add a note or reference with the words ‘Walk’ or please accompany your donation with an email to: admin@international-brigades.org.uk.
Posted on 29 June 2021.