Hetty van der Hall of our Dutch sister organisation Stichting Spanje 1936-1939 writes…
Our annual commemoration will take place on 8 May 2019 from 11:00 till 12:00 in the school building of De Nieuwe Havo, Buiksloterweg 85, and the adjacent Spanjemonument at Plein Spanje '36 - '39 in Amsterdam. Doors open at 10.30 u.
The programme will consist of a number of speakers, among them a councillor of the city of Amsterdam, journalist and initiator of the website Spanjestrijders.nl, Yvonne Scholten, and Pim Ligtvoet, author of the newly published book ‘De Zaanse Spanjestrijders’ (The Brigaders from the Zaan region). There will also be a musical contribution from Coro Acanto.
Following the programme (around 12 o’clock) we will walk together to the monument across the street to lay flowers and observe one minute of silence.
Afterwards, lunch will be served for those interested. To get an idea of the numbers we would like to request people to let us know via email spanje3639@gmail.com or written post, care of Hetty van der Hall, Zeezigt 11, 1111 TJ Diemen.
Furthermore, we would very much appreciate a small contribution for the lunch on account nr. NL96INGB0006696045 in the name of Stichting Spanje 1936-1939 in Diemen. Alternatively, a small donation can be made in the collection box at the commemoration itself.
The year 2018 was a very sad year for our Foundation. Our chairperson Giny Klatser, wife of Brigader Leo Klatser, who had been involved with the commemoration since the unveiling of the momument, died on 26 June 2018 at the age of 90. She was always very motivated to keep the memory of the Brigaders’ struggle in Spain alive.
Little more than a month later we also had to say goodbye to our secretary, who died on 2 August 2018. Rien Dijkstra was the son of a Brigader, Rients Dijkstra, and during the four years he was active for our Foundation he managed to put the contribution of Dutch people in the fight of the Republic against Franco in the Spanish Civil War back on the map.
We owe a great deal of gratitude to both board members.
Left as the only board member, I started the search for new board members as soon as possible. Fortunately, since then three people have been found willing to take place in the board. These are: Cristina Ruiz Espinosa, Denise Grobben en Gijs Mulder.
In the past months we’ve mainly been busy with organising practical matters, such as the website, incoming emails and the preparations for the 2019 commemoration. In the future we’re hoping to collaborate with many other people who have indicated they would like to contribute to our Foundation, especially focusing on raising awareness among young people about the significance of the Spanish Civil War.
Posted on 16 April 2019.