Sculptor and IBMT member Frank Casey writes to say that he is hopeful of raising enough money for four full-scale casts to be made of relief panels portraits of volunteers John Cornford (1915-1936) and Bob Smillie (1917-1937).
One of each would be placed in an appropriate location in Spain and another in a site associated with the person in the UK.
Frank explains: ‘Ideally I would like to see a full size Cornford panel installed at Alicante, within sight of the 'Hill of the English', and the partner piece in Cambridge, either in the Necropolis or at Trinity College. In the case of Smillie it is hoped to place a panel in the Andreu Nin Library in Barcelona and the other in his home village of Larkhall in Lanarkshire.’
Apart from the full-scale panels, he has also commissioned an A4-sized replica of both plaques to be cast in resin bronze in a limited edition. Donations above a certain sum yet to be decided will receive one or both as requested, accompanied by a signed and numbered letter of appreciation.
Frank says he is also exploring the possibility of producing a lapel badge to be given to all donors.
‘I have received warm support from both families in this as well as from the IBMT, ILP and Orwell Society,’ he says.
Frank can be contacted at:
Anyone wishing to contribute can send donations to:
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Account name: Smillie-Cornford Monument Club
Sort code 30-90- 92
Account no. 34889760
Posted on 3 May 2017