'The International Red Aid is where it is needed', 1936 (Marx Memorial Library)
Due to the government's latest advice in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the IBMT has had no choice but to cancel future events until further notice. All listings on the Events section of our website have been taken down for the time being.
Our office, which is usually operational from 11am to 5pm, Monday to Thursday, is now no longer being staffed. However emails are still being dealt with and phone messages (left on 020 7253 87480) are being picked up remotely.
Membership requests and renewals through the post (cheque or cash) cannot be processed while the IBMT office is closed. However, all Paypal membership renewals and applications, as well as donations, are being processed as usual. The same applies to payments made by bank transfer.
The IBMT eNewsletter will continue to be published regularly, as will our ¡No Pasarán! magazine, with the next issue due early in May.
Merchandise orders are being severely disrupted. Orders can still be made through the IBMT online store, but members should be aware that there will be significant delays, dependent on the progress of the Covid-19 pandemic and government advice, before they can be processed.
Please bear with us. We extend best wishes to all our friends and supporters during this difficult period.
Posted on 2 April 2020.