2025 Jarama commemoration

Post date: 08/08/2024

The Madrid-based AABI Friends of the International Brigades have announced the programme for the 2025 Jarama commemoration, which will be dedicated to the Lincoln Battalion volunteers. See the AABI website to register for the march and transport to and from AABI events

Please note that on the Friday there will also be an optional alternative trip organised by the IBMT and the ARMH Cuenca historical memory association.

Thursday 20 February

7pm: ’The Volunteers’, a one-act play in four scenes written by Charles Nusser of the Lincoln Battalion. Centro Cultural de la Mujer, 19 Cayetano Pando, Madrid 28047. Afterwards, reception at the AABI office, 3 Cayetano Pando, Local 4, Madrid 28047.

Friday 21 February
Tarancón trip (organised by IBMT and ARMH Cuenca)
– 10am: Departure Hotel Agumar, 7 Paseo de la Reina Cristina, Madrid 28014.
– 11am: Tarancón cemetery for tribute to Scots who fell at Jarama. This year we will especially remember the recently passed Allan Craig Jr, whose family will join us. After the tribute we will go to Santa Cruz de la Zarza, visiting an air-raid shelter and the memorials to Soviet pilots and those massacred by the Franco dictatorship.
– 3pm: Lunch in Santa Cruz de la Zarza.
– 5.30pm: Return to Hotel Agumar.
NB: Anyone wanting to go on this trip to Tarancón and Santa Cruz de la Zarza should email ARMH Cuenca with names and contact details.
Madrigueras trip
(organised by AABI
– 9am: Departure Hotel Agumar.
– Pass through Saelices to see the American Hospital (Villa Paz).
– Visit to the International Brigades memorial in Madrigueras.
– Lunch.
– Return through Tarancón to see the Hospitalillo.

Saturday 22 February
Jarama March

– 8.45am: Departure Hotel Agumar.
– Route following Lincoln Battalion’s steps and XVth Brigade positions.
– Visit to the identified place of the American memorial.
– 1.30pm: Fraternity lunch.
– 3.30pm: Return to Madrid.

Sunday 23 February

11am: Meet at the exit of the subway Montecarmelo for a visit to the Fuencarral cemetery. Homage at the International Brigade plaque and a tour of the possible mass grave site.

[Updated 22 January 2025]

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